Friday, 22 March 2013

Download Master


com Download uk Master us inDownload Master  - is one of the most popular programs for downloading files. With the Download Master  can significantly increase the speed of downloading files on the protocols HTTP, HTTPS, FTP due to the fact that downloadable files are divided into streams that simultaneously. The distinguishing features Download Master among other programs, are the highest performance.
Download Master  can significantly increase the speed of file download from the Internet using HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols. For this reason the partition file for streams that simultaneously. The program also supports resuming a file to the current position after the break.

To improve ease of use, Download Master integrates into Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome New!, Mozilla, Opera, Netscape Communicator, and others, replacing the standard download modules. In addition, the program monitors the system clipboard and detects URLs. Download Master allows you to upload, store and view video of Video: YouTube, Google Video, RuTube, Видео, Rambler Vision.

Features in Download Master user
- Site manager for password and download folders management;
- Scheduler, you can customize the work on schedule;
- "Dialer" for dial-up connections;
- FTP Explorer;
- Search for files, programs, games, and music;
- DM Bar - a toolbar for Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox

Description Change regarding the original version of the Download Master user:

1. Removed banners in the download window and search (patch ManHunter).
2. Forced ban sending statistics (patch ManHunter).
3. Removed Top Downloads (patch ADMIN_CRACK).
4. Removed plugin Remote Download.
5. Removed Yandex Bar.
6. Removed automatic integration into browsers when installing and integrating DM Bar in Internet Explorer.
7. Additional plug (the choice during installation) Trayindicator - state information
downloads in the form of icons in the system tray.
8. Choice during installation Classic interface (including skins, icons, etc.),
Standard (original) interface or Internet Download Accelerator Interface
(The standard is different from the color scheme).
9. Optional use of (the choice during installation) Categories downloads.
10. Language Translit replaced by English.
11. Autorun disabled program after installation.
12. Improved uninstall: deleting files and registry entries created after the installation.
13. Cosmetic improvement installer.
14. If next to the installer file is located settings.reg (included for example), the contents
imported to the registry during installation. Save the program after setting the registry branch
[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftware2vg] to file settings.reg and DM will be installed already configured.
15. If the installer is located next to the skin files (*. Skn), they are automatically copied
Skins folder in the program. More skins can also be packed in SFX archive skins.exe,
file with this name will automatically run the installer, if there is to it
in one folder.

Operating system: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, 2003, 2008, NT 4.0, and Windows 8.
Language: Multilanguage
Year: 2013
Activator - Freeware
Size: 20 MB 


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