Friday, 22 March 2013

AutoPlay Menu Builder Keymaker 7.0 Build 2185


com AutoPlay us Menu uk Builder ca Keymaker in 7.0 Build 2185 AutoPlay Menu Builder Keymaker 7.0 Build 2185  - one of the best tools for creating an automatic playing menu to launch your CD and DVD disc. In this case, the user does not require any knowledge of programming. All you have to do - is to make a few keystrokes and mouse movements to build a menu drive, which will pop up when you insert the disc into the drive. From the menu you can launch applications, open documents, play movies, and much, much more. AutoPlay Menu Builder Keymaker 7.0 Build 2185 is an easy to use and understand the application that will always help you to create an original autorun menus for your disks.
Features in AutoPlay Menu Builder Keymaker 7.0 Build 2185 user:
• Do not require any knowledge of programming
• Easy to design and create autorun menus environment to program
• Powerful and easy-to-use WYSIWYG editor
• Easy testing Souza menu without writing to disk
• Protect menus from being modified by others with password
• AutoPlay Menu Builder Keymaker 7.0 Build 2185 Create projects from templates, or create your own templates
• Support for multiple windows, windows in various forms and full screen window
• Cool splash screen with different effects
• Internal slide show support with a large set of effects
• Many kinds of actions such as launching application, open document, etc.
• Embedding Flash player, Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player from the menu
• Text and graphic comments
• AutoPlay Menu Builder Keymaker 7.0 Build 2185 Support for background music MP3/MP2/MP1/OGG/WAV/MID/RMI/XM/IT/MOD/S3M
• Support for images in BMP / PNG / JPG / GIF / PCX / WMF / EMF / ICO formats
• Creating a stand-alone executable files
• Customize disc icon and mouse cursors
• Install specified fonts before loading a menu

Operating system: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Release: 2013
Version: 7.0 Build 2185
Language: english 
Activator: keymaker
Size: 10.4 MB

How to download instruction


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