Friday, 16 August 2013

PTLens Key


ePaperPress com PTLens nl uk Key tr license plugin serial downloadPTLens – Using ePaperPress PTLens Key can get a program / plug-in for Adobe Photoshop (or other programs that support plugins format 8bf). Download free. PTLens designed to correcting the distortion of optical lenses of digital cameras, including 'DSLR. program takes the raw data from the 'EXIF, which simplifies the setup for inexperienced users. If EXIF damaged, incomplete, or missing may manually specify the brand camera and lens (of course, if he replaceable). By itself "knows" a great many models of cameras and interchangeable lenses.
The PTLens es User Key is Windows software that corrects lens pincushion/barrel distortion, chromatic aberration, and vignetting. PTLens is available as a standalone application or Photoshop plug-in. Both the standalone application and plug-in versions of PTLens run under 'Windows 2000 or 'Windows XP with a monitor resolution of at least '1024x768 (DPI 96)'. The plug-in version works with Photoshop version 6 and above and all versions of Photoshop Elements. Although PTLens is compatible with Paint Shop Pro and Irfanview, camera make, model, lens, and focal length must be manually specified as they do not furnish EXIF information to plug-ins.
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Available History in PTLens kr de Key UK Full version Favorite Software -
PTLens is the first application to automate the correction of distortion. It all started August 20, 2002, when in a newsgroup with the following message:
"I need the program with batch processing that reads the 'EXIF information of 'JPEG file, finds the next match in the table, and automatically corrects distortions." No one responded, and September 19, 2002 Thomas Niemann has released version 1.0 PTLens. Several years of work and 30,000 lines of source code of a simple DOS program to run from the command line later became PTLens application and Photoshop plugin that corrects the distortion, vignetting, chromatic aberration, and perspective. "Table" is composed of more than 2,400 individual calibrations - it's much more than in any other application ...

To date PTLens - the first and the best program for the correction of distortions (geometric distortion) introduced by imperfect optics of camera lenses, it is possible to control the white balance. the program uses the raw data from the 'EXIF, which simplifies the setup for non experienced users. If 'EXIF damaged or missing is not complete, it is possible to manually specify the brand of camera and lens (if removable). PTLens User ca Key familiar with many models of cameras and interchangeable lenses, an extensive database on the lenses.
It will be extremely useful for both novice photo enthusiasts and professional photographers.

Release: 2013
Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / 7/8
Language: Multilingual
Solution : Key License
Size: 3.8 MB
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Key License


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