Available Features in Kvisoft de FlipBook
Maker jp Pro 3.6.10 kr Keygen UK Full Version Favorite Software
You have several options for importing:
# PDF to import the files into a
book whose pages can be
# With photos 'flipbook' • to import image files (* ‘JPG, ‘BMP, * JPEG,
*. Png, * gif).
# Importing Flash movies and video (*. Swf, ‘Flv *, * ‘F4V., *. ‘Mp4).
Page editing functions:
# Add text to the page sources
and defines the nature of
# Add hyperlinks to pages
# support pages and video links
to YouTube videos.
# Add the SWF and the action
# Add images and image an active
role in
# Adds hotspot and sound
# include Add Clipart
# Add the effects of each page or all pages
Templates (Kvisoft FlipBook Maker Pro
3.6.10 User Keygen):
# many incredible uses templates
to include the
# scripts of the title setting
# Make books to be read left to
# Especially Kvisoft set the
password for the resulting books
# Integrated support for Google Analytics
# University of Drag Area
# Navigation bar is customizable
to the style of
# The design of the button
# The style of the button configuration
# Customize toolbar buttons to set permissions to download, print,
share, bookmark, search, content, and other buttons
# Small defines the style
# preloads up
# color, background image and
sound set
# logo and flip books with links
# autoplay settings and video player
skin group
# Active Table of Contents
# Traditional Kvisoft, save your
custom template to reuse
Flexible output formats:
# PDF / image / flash reads
HTML, exe, zip, as appear.
# This CD shows the distribution
as standalone exe
# Create e-mail for quick
delivery zip package
Features flip the pages Kvisoft User FlipBook
Maker Uk Pro 3.6.10 es Keygen :
# In Kvisoft, click on a page
corner or drag to flip to the next page
# the need to preload the pages
to open up, load all the pages do not have to wait
# previous, next, top, cover,
etc. Use the control buttons page
# Turns pages automatically or manually
# Kvisoft automatically restarts
if the book you want
# See pages in full screen
flipped ebook
# Use thumbnails to browse
# two pages to zoom in / out
# enable or disable the sound to
turn pages
# Double - click the thumbnail
mode to change
# Enter password to unlock
encrypted pages
# manual again and again the
# How to view full screen
# Search function is enabled
# Download the PDF directly from the website
# two pages to zoom in / out
# Kvisoft Flipbook Share Email
URL eBook
# Social support networks share
the libretto
# Add bookmark to
Release: 2013
Version: 3.6.10
Operating System: Windows 7/8/2000/XP/Vista
Language: English
Solution: Keygen
Size: 25.3 MB
Important: download instruction
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