Sunday, 21 April 2013

cFosSpeed 9.04 Build 2051 es Trial Reset


com cFosSpeed us 9.04 Build 2051 es Trial Reset incFosSpeed 9.04 Build 2051 es Trial Reset ​​- a potent utility, which is a network driver, which attaches itself to existing Internet connection and optimizes the fast data transfer by means of Traffic Shaping. Traffic Shaping - a method for optimizing the Internet traffic, providing optimal speed with minimum delay. You can use cFosSpeed ​​with a router and / or a DSL-modem or cable modem. It is also possible to use with other types of Internet connections. cFosSpeed ​​supports a wide variety of connections, like DSL, cable, ISDN, UMTS, and others.

cFosSpeed 9.04 Build 2051 es Trial Reset- The program will help maintain low latency in the network (ping), to make Internet applications as responsive as possible. Also, one of the main objectives cFosSpeed ​​is to improve data throughput by avoiding network congestions. The program interface is translated into many languages, including Russian language.

- Broadband: Cable and DSL
- Narrow band: Modem and ISDN
- DSL, PPPoA (VCmux and LLC)
- Cable
- IP over AAL
- RFC1483/2684 bridged

- Router and dial-up connections
- LAN and WLAN
- Router and Bridge
- Multiple connections simultaneously
- Adjustable routes
- Multiple IP addresses on one network adapter

cFosSpeed 9.04 Build 2051 es Trial Reset - Traffic Shaping:
- Multi-user version
- TX and RX Shaping
- L7 Protocol Analysis
- Prioritization of Programs
- RTP / VoIP Detection
- 5 priority queues
- Individual rules with filter language

Features in cFosSpeed 9.04 Build 2051 es Trial Reset user -
• CFosSpeed ​​prevents one application (eg, email) to score all the others, such as telephone calls, chat, etc.
• CFosSpeed ​​supports your ping fast, so you can play online games and download files simultaneously.
• All important data packets are automatically given higher priority over unimportant. With the help of the program and its CFosSpeed ​​Protocol of priorities you will be able to customize their applications ideally and / or add new programs.
• Analyze your data in real-time: With the new status window you can easily recognize which data streams you currently pass.

Every time you connect to the Internet and using more than one data stream cFosSpeed ​​can optimize the traffic.
Improves your Ping for online games
Supports Internet faster during heavy loading / unloading
Improves the mobile Internet
Reduces problems with the audio / video Internet streams
Improves voice quality in the programs using VoIP

cFosSpeed ​​- popular software product for fans of online gaming, peer to peer networks and consumer audio and video.

User cFosSpeed ​​can itself be calibrated depending on the connection. Usually, the best results can be achieved after a few days of using the program, which is able to load the incoming and outgoing bandwidth at full speed.

The procedure for treatment:
Install cFosSpeed
Set automatic reset trial, or use a manual reset.
Released : 2013
Operating System / ОС: “Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7”
Language: multilingual
Solution : Trial resetter
Size : 5.08mbmb


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