Friday, 29 March 2013

USB Virus Scan 2.42 Build 0328 Serial


com USB  uk Virus ca Scan in 2.42 Build 0328 id Serial myUSB Virus Scan 2.42 Build 0328 Serial- an anti-virus program to protect your computer from threats that spread via removable media. According to the developers, USB Virus Scan 2.42 Build 0328 Serial provides 100% protection against any malicious programs that infect removable media such as flash drives, flash memory cards, digital cameras, iPod, portable media players, etc.

After joining the device to your computer, it automatically scans, blocks, and removes viruses. Solves the problem with inability to open the drive by double-clicking in Windows Explorer Windows.

USB Virus Scan is also able to remove the remnants of the virus from the media, which were not removed by other anti-virus programs. For example, delete the file autorun.inf, which reserves the virus W32.Downloader and the like.

USB Virus Scan 2.42 Build 0328 Serialis small, you can quickly scan removable drives, and does not require regular updates of signature files.

Release: 2013
Version: 2.42 Build 0328
Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8
Language: English
Solution: Serial
Size: 3.89 MB



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