Ann Video
Converter Pro 5.8.0 Activatorallows you to convert almost any formats.
This powerful software runs on Microsoft Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8.
Features in Ann Video Converter Pro 5.8.0 Activator user
- Super fast conversion speed and the internal filters to
improve video.
- Convert between all popular video formats including AVI,
MPEG, WMV, MPEG1/2/4, MP4, DVD, VCD, SVCD, MOV, RM, etc.
- Convert popular video formats to MP3 audio files.
- It can convert all formats to MPEG1 / 2, AVI MPEG PSP IPOD
- It can convert all video formats to AVI / WMV / RMVB /
Divx / Xvid.
- Complete with encoder Real DVD Navigator.
- Ann Video
Converter Pro 5.8.0 Activator Supports DirectAC3 technology AC3 5.1,
which is the most modern and powerful. This technology increases the speed by
20% with AVI files including AC3 audio.
- Is the Real Dolby AC3 Codec Audio
- User-friendly interface, which really simplifies the
- Has the option to preview the video in real time.
Reg | enabling. Code: Activator
Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / Win 7/Win 8.
Language: English
Size: 11.88 MB
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