Friday, 25 January 2013

Dupehunter Professional Keygen


com Dupehunter Professional Keygen ukDupehunter Professional  identify duplicated files on Windows operating systems. Download here free. Dupehunter designed to perform as an innovative search program to identify duplicated files on personal computers or in a network. Dupehunter Professional has a well-considered basis and offers a high degree of flexibility. Dupehunter Professional finds and removes duplicate files regardless of file name. It works with calculated Hash values of CRC-32 (32 bit), MD5 (128 bit) and SHA-1 (160 bit). A binary comparison is also available. With the speed and functionality of Dupehunter Professional you have a perfect tool for computer forensics to find easier any evidences of computer crime. You can also erasing files acc. to US DoD 5220-22.M, Gutmann method or with Random data!


1.      Helps to save expenses for new hardware.
2.      Helps to Save of working hours by clearly assigned files without redundancy!
3.      Improvement of the security structures by clear distribution of files.
4.      Able to Increase of the data security in companies!
sg Dupehunter Professional Keygen nl
1.      Supports up to 7 million files in a single search!
2.      Supports UTF-16 Unicode file names and folder paths!
3.      Supports sanitizing of critical data!
4.      Supports file compression with 1 million files per archive!
5.      Provides one of the fastest search engine!
6.      Provides job-based process priority.
7.      Provides details rich XML export files.
Available Features in Dupehunter (ru) -
1.      ‘Full Unicode compatibility
2.      ‘No CRC-32 algorithm
3.      ‘No export to Excel XLS
4.      ‘No export to Word DOC
5.      ‘New optmized XML export
6.      ‘New modern user interface
7.      ‘Lesser dialogs
8.      ‘Process priority job-based
9.      ‘Export folder job-based
10.  ‘XML export incl. priorities job-based
11.  ‘Export of search protocol to XML
12.  ‘Export of search result to CSV and XML as UTF-16 format
13.  ‘Simple language switching
14.  ‘Main window resizable
15.  ‘Big screen font with 12 Twips
16.  ‘SQX compression replaced with ZIP 64 compression
17.  ‘The search can be paused
18.  ‘Mouse hints can be disabled
19.  ‘Calling from context menu in Windows Explorer
20.  J’ob folder adjustable by administrator
21.  Selective Dupehunter especially export folder adjustable by administrator
22.  Zi’p passwort adjustable by administrator
23.  ‘Export of all files or only from a selection
24.  ‘Export of owner names from files
25.  ‘Export of serial numbers from local disks
26.  ‘AES 256 bit encryption for created ZIP archives
27.  ‘New job file format (incompatible with older versions!)
28.  ‘Only Windows 2000 and newer supported.
tr Dupehunter Professional Keygen br



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